Laptop as Home Server with Ansible
Here's how I used a trusty old Thinkpad T510 laptop as a home server. This is mostly notes for myself, but perhaps it'll be useful to others too.
The server isn't doing much right now; just running my home weather and power monitoring
- Grafana Dashboards Server
- Prometheus real-time monitoring database
- Alertmanager for Prometheus
- Dynamic DNS (so I can access the above away from home)
Laptops aren't perfect, but they have a few things going for them as servers:
- Low power consumption
- Built-in keyboard and screen for management console
- You can often old laptops hanging around the house
Wipe the laptop
Back up all the data first!
Install an OS
There's plenty of choices. You probably want Linux for a home server; Windows Server is probably overkill. Among Linuxes, I'm very familiar with the Debian/Ubuntu flavor.
I first tried Ubuntu Desktop, with the intention of switching over to Ubuntu Server, but I never really got around to it. It was simpler to set up things like WiFi on the desktop UI than in config files, so I just kept Ubuntu Desktop. It's handy for debugging if something goes wrong too: open the lid and use the desktop environment to fix it.
I burned the image to a USB stick to install, as usual, following's tutorial.
I enabled full-disk encryption for best security. More on this later.
Disable turning off when lid shuts
I want to shut the lid and have the computer keep running without going to sleep.
I found the answer on AskUbuntu. As usual, there's no GUI option, you have to ensure that /etc/systemd/logind.conf
Then restart logind
systemctl restart systemd-logind.service
I have an Ansible config for ensuring this stays working:
- name: Disable sleep-on-lid down
become: true
path: /etc/systemd/logind.conf
regexp: 'HandleLidSwitch'
line: 'HandleLidSwitch=ignore'
Enable SSH server
Pretty straightforward. Just want to make sure to disable password entry and only use private keys.
Recovering from power outages
From time to time, the machine will turn off, and I need to reboot it. This isn't as automated as I'd like yet.
Wake on LAN
There's a BIOS option in the ThinkPad to enable Wake-On-Lan.
Grab the MAC address from the Wi-Fi dashboard.
On macOS, to trigger the machine to wake-up, I use the wakeonlan
$ brew install wakeonlan
$ wakeonlan -i -p 7 ca:fe:ba:aa:aa:be
Port 7 seemed to work for me, but this was just a bit of trial-and-error to find the port.
Remote Unlock Disk Encryption
Setting up full disk encryption with a passphrase makes it difficult to boot up automatically, or remotely.
I followed Hamy's Blog's Instructions.
I learned a lot setting this up. Some background:
- When you boot up your laptop, and get prompted for your full-disk-encryption passphrase, there's actually an operating system running at this stage.
- This OS has a full Linux kernel, and a small busybox userland, and even an init system. You can exit the full-disk-encryption prompt and drop to a shell, and run a few very limited commands.
- This OS lives on
, a separate, unencrypted partition on your disk. - You can install extra stuff into this OS! But it's a real pain in the butt, you're constantly restarting to check if it worked or not.
- In particular, there's a small, statically-linked SSH server called
. Install it with$ sudo apt-get install dropbear-initramfs
- Configure by dropping public keys into
and configuring/etc/dropbear-initramfs/config
to e.g. change the port by addingDROPBEAR_OPTIONS="-p 4748"
. - Then you have to "compile" the
stored in/boot
by running:$ update-initramfs -u
- Finally, restart, and you should be able to connect in through SSH, and unlock by running
:$ ssh root@ -p 4748 # cryptroot-unlock <enter your full disk encryption password>
I have a few Ansible scripts to configure this behaviour:
# dropbear/tasks/main.yml
- name: install dropbear-initramfs
become: true
state: latest
- dropbear-initramfs
- name: Run Dropbear SSH on a different port
become: true
path: /etc/dropbear-initramfs/config
line: 'DROPBEAR_OPTIONS="-p 4748"'
notify: [ 'Update initramfs' ]
# ssh root@ -p 4748
# cryptroot-unlock
- name: add ssh authorized key for dropbear
become: true
# user: root is important! Don't use 'mark' or dropbear won't use the key
user: root
key: "{{ lookup('file', '/Users/mark/.ssh/') }}"
path: /etc/dropbear-initramfs/authorized_keys
notify: [ 'Update initramfs' ]
Which, whenever something changes, notifies the Update initramfs
step to rebuilt /boot
# dropbear/handlers/main.yml
- name: Update initramfs
become: true
command: update-initramfs -u
Managing Updates
I'm using Ansible to automate a bunch of this setup and maintenance. Here are some of my Ansible scripts for this server:
- name: install apt packages
become: true
update_cache: true
state: latest
- arp-scan
- binwalk
- ca-certificates
- python3-pip
- python3-setuptools
- fish
- name: Update apt packages to the latest version
become: true
upgrade: full
- name: remove old apt packages
become: true
autoremove: true
I'll run these updates about once a month.
Configuring Timezone and Shell
Ansible scripts:
- name: Set timezone to Australia/Sydney
become: true
name: Australia/Sydney
- name: use fish shell
become: true
name: "{{ ansible_user }}"
shell: /usr/bin/fish
Installing Tailscale
I like Tailscale for accessing my server from outside my local network. To install and keep it up to date, I have this Ansible config:
- name: add tailscale apt GPG key
become: true
url: ''
- name: add tailscale apt list
become: true
repo: 'deb focal main'
- name: apt update tailscale
become: true
state: latest
update_cache: true
- tailscale
Initial sign-in to your Google account has to be done manually by SSH'ing into the server and running tailscale up
, but after that it just works.
Install Docker
I like using docker-compose to configure my server arguments using a single docker-compose.yml
I install Docker with Ansible. There's a bit of rubbish here about cutting the current SSH connection, so that changes to group membership can take effect on the next login. It's not very clean, but it works. Also grab python and the docker-compose
# install_docker/tasks/main.yml
# Docker installation mostly cribbed from:
- name: add docker GPG key
become: true
url: ''
- name: Add docker apt repo
become: true
repo: 'deb [arch=amd64] bionic stable'
- name: install docker-ce
become: true
# The aufs package, part of the "recommended" packages, won't install
# on Buster just yet, because of missing pre-compiled kernel modules.
install_recommends: false
update_cache: true
state: latest
- python3-pip
- docker-ce
- name: copy /etc/docker/daemon.json
become: true
src: daemon.json
dest: /etc/docker/daemon.json
mode: '0644'
backup: true
# have to restart docker to notify this file has changed. SIGHUP not good enough
notify: ['restart docker']
- name: add user to group docker
become: true
name: "{{ ansible_user }}"
- docker
append: true
# reset_connection (added in Ansible 2.3) interrupts a persistent connection (i.e. ssh + control persist)
- name: reset ssh connection to allow user changes to affect 'current login user'
meta: reset_connection
# when: 'add_docker_group.changed'
# Had to remove the above because of:
# [WARNING]: reset_connection task does not support when conditional
- name: enable & start docker service
become: true
name: docker
state: started
enabled: true
daemon_reload: true
- name: pip install python libraries
# For docker_compose module
- docker
- docker-compose
extra_args: --user
This installs a daemon.json
configured to retain logs and export metrics and enable experimental features:
# install_docker/files/daemon.json
"log-driver": "json-file",
"log-opts": {
"max-size": "20m",
"max-file": "3"
"metrics-addr" : "",
"experimental": true
# install_docker/handlers/main.yml
- name: restart docker
become: true
name: docker
state: restarted
Run the containers
Copy over your docker_compose.yml and any other mounted container config files, and run docker-compose update to grab the latest containers and remove any orphans:
# docker_compose/tasks/main.yml
- name: Copy dc to host
src: "{{ inventory_hostname }}/"
dest: dc
- name: Get latest docker images
project_src: dc
remove_orphans: true
pull: true
register: docker_compose_output
Finally, reload all the containers that need take hot-swappable config files:
- name: reload alertmanager
command: docker kill --signal=HUP dc_alertmanager_1
when: '"alertmanager" in ansible_facts'
- name: reload prometheus
command: docker kill --signal=HUP dc_prometheus_1
when: '"prometheus" in ansible_facts'
- name: reload blackbox
command: docker kill --signal=HUP dc_blackbox_1
when: '"blackbox" in ansible_facts'
All Done
You have an old laptop now redeployed as a server, and a few ansible scripts to keep it up to date and act as documentation for how you set it up. Nice!
There's probably many better ways to do this. These are just the tools that I understand.
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